
Sunday, 18 May 2014

Lake Nakuru

This weekend we went to visit Lake Nakuru.

I asked to drive the jeep :

But our guide said I was too small, so I had to sit in the back:

Lake Nakuru is famous for its flamingos, however there were only a few of them around when we visited:

Then we played a game of hide and seek, I don't think they were very good at it:

After this we went up to a high place for a little picnic, it had a wonderful view of the lake:

It really was a nice place:

Can you draw me a picture of a flamingo ?


  1. Oliver, we are so so busy in the senior room, making flamingos to show you. But we're a bit stuck...what colour should they be?? :)
    From everyone in the Senior Room

    1. Make them nice and pink, that would be nice

  2. Pink it is! We'll be putting the final touches to them and sending on the photos very soon!
    From everyone in the Senior Room

  3. Hi Oliver,
    We are still reading our book "Say Boo to the Animals" and will be doing a little Drama Production in a few weeks time about the story. We have made masks, and have been practising all our animal noises!
    We've also been making some trees, from another story called "Say Hello to the Jungle Animals". I bet you have met a lot of the animals we say hello to in that story! We will send you pictures of our trees tomorrow. Hope you are having a great time!

    From everyone in Miriam's Classroom

  4. I feel like I'm in Africa Oliver with all the lovely photos you are sending us and all of the lovely pictures that children are painting here! And now I can hear African drums playing in our school so I went down the corridor to explore and investigate! I discovered some very musical children playing along to some african drum music. One very clever little friend of yours was playing a drum with her foot! I think she was sending you a secret message...... Mary, Principal
