
Wednesday, 7 May 2014

I said Boo too....

What a coincidence, I'm reading Say Boo to the Animals too.  Look who I said Boo to :

I wasn't afraid and he even gave me a little ride on his back.  He's my friend now, he's called Simba


  1. Don't look down! We are very busy this week practising our songs for Confirmation on Friday. "We've got the whole world in our hands" is one of our favourites, especially with our friend Oliver in Kenya! Next week we will be making some scary animal faces, so you can say Boo to our faces!

  2. Oliver, we have a favour to ask. Have you any pictures of a gorilla? We are preparing for our end of year Drama, which will be about our story "Say Boo to the Animals". There is a bear in the story too.....good job we are friends with a well-travelled bear!
    From all in Miriam's Class
